by anottingham | Feb 16, 2015 | Advertising
Facebook Makes the Case for Video Ads vs. TV Commercials Facebook wants more of advertisers’ budgets and tells advertisers to cut some TV ad spend to make room. Facebook is going to great lengths to capture television ad spend by partnering with Nielsen to educate its...
by anottingham | Jan 15, 2015 | Advertising
Having Broadly Targeted Ads on Facebook Can Cost You Time and Money. Taking the time to identify your goals before you run ads on Facebook is imperative if you want to have the most effective results. Ask yourself, do I want to make people more aware of my brand? Or...
by Sarah Magee | Nov 20, 2014 | Advertising
Google Versus Facebook Advertising A Power Play With Atlas Facebook Atlas takes on the Google Display Network head on with highly granular targeting and a variety of display formats. Google versus Facebook? According to recent reports, Facebook could soon surpass...
by Sarah Magee | Nov 13, 2014 | Advertising
Facebook Will Deliver Highly Targeted Ads To Third-Party Apps Enhancing their mobile advertising offerings, Facebook will now allow targeted ads within 3rd party apps. Audience Network ads will come in three formats: banner, interstitial (full screen with a prompt),...